Vampire Facial

PRP Therapy for Face Rejuvenation (VAMPIRE FACIAL)

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. It is plasma, obtained from self blood, which has a high concentration of platelets. These platelets give growth factors, that is helpful in giving the desired results i.e., rejuvenates face giving a healthy & glowing appearance. Apart from this, it also has an important role in hair loss treatment.

How PRP is made?

A little amount of your blood is taken and it is centrifuged two times in a machine. After two rounds of centrifugation, we obtain 2 ml of PRP at the bottom of the tube. At Twacha Clinic, Patna, we are using high-quality PRP tubes having growth factors including Biotin and with the use of all the latest technologies & advanced equipment, we strive to provide you the highest standard of PRP therapy.

How PRP works in facial Rejuvenation?

PRP which we get after double rotation of self blood is injected into the face skin, especially over depressed face scar (which may be due to pimples, chickenpox, etc.). It is also sprinkled over the face and then micro-needling through dermapen machine is done which helps in the penetration of platelet rich plasma deeper into the skin. This platelet rich plasma then releases growth factor which helps in the removal of dead cells on face, regrowth over face scar, and rejuvenation of the face.

What are the effects of PRP therapy on face?

  • Removal of dead cells
  • Healing of depressed pimple scars
  • Face rejuvenation leading to glow and decrease in wrinkles
  • Smooth and even skin

Is PRP Painful and any risk associated with it?

Because of the small-sized needle and the prior spray of local anesthesia, this process is almost painless. Since we are using self blood of the person being treated, it is almost 100% safe, and no risk associated with it.

Why chose Twacha Clinic for PRP Therapy?

  • Mahtab Alam is highly skilled in every microdetail of PRP. Therefore, we strive to provide you best quality PRP therapy in Patna.
  • Our PRP therapy, in spite of being the best and use of high-quality PRP tube, we are still very affordable.
  • Our patients are highly satisfied with the result of PRP therapy.
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