PRP Therapy For Hair Loss

PRP Therapy for hair loss

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. It is plasma obtained from own blood, which has high concentration of platelets. These platelets have growth factors which helps in regrowth of hair, control hair loss by making hair root stronger, rejuvenates face & many more.

How PRP is made?

A little amount of your blood is taken, mixed with biotin containing growth factors & centrifuged in machine. After final preparation, we obtain around 2 ml of PRP.

How PRP works in hair loss?

The small amount of PRP obtained after double centrifugation is then injected through a tiny needle into the root of hair, where it releases growth factor making the hair root stronger & control hair loss. Also, it starts new hair growth, thereby increasing the density of hair.

How many sessions of PRP is needed for hair growth?

PRP is beneficial from the 1st session itself. However, it is advisable to take at least 4-5 sessions at 1 month apart.

Is PRP painful & any risk associated with it?

Because of small sized needle & prior spray of local anaesthesia over scalp, this process is almost painless & safe. No major risk factor associated with it.

At Twacha clinic, Phulwarisharif Patna, led by Dr Mahtab Alam (MBBS, MD, MRCP), we are using very high quality PRP tube having many external growth factors & through all latest technologies, we are committed to give you highest standard of PRP therapy. In spite of being best & having highly satisfied patients gallery, we are pretty much affordable.

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