LASER Hair Removal

Hair removal by US FDA approved Diode LASER

Twacha clinic, Patna is well known for providing permanent & painless LASER hair removal in Patna, by the best dermatologist. Are you fed up by unwanted hair over your face, or, body? Those unwanted hair always seek the attention of person talking to you & all your personality building effort goes in vain. There are various methods of removing this hair like waxing, shaving, tweezing but they are painful & needs to be done every week. So, if you are looking for permanent solution for a permanent solution to remove your unwanted hair, LASER is the best thing you can get. For men, if you are looking for perfectly aligned beard, you must undergo LASER treatment.

Which LASER is best for hair removal?

Currently, as per recommendation, triple wavelength FDA approved Diode LASER is considered best. At Twacha clinic, Patna we are using the most sophisticated & latest technology FDA approved triple wavelength Diode LASER.

How LASER works in LASER hair removal?

Through LASER, we expose the hair follicle with LASER light, which gets absorbed by melanin (colour pigment of hair) & then it transfers the heat to hair root & thereby destroying it permanently. Since LASER works through colour pigment of hair, it is recommended not to bleach hair before undergoing LASER hair removal. Moreover, one should not undergo any threading or waxing session within last 2 weeks of LASER.

On which body part hair LASER can be used?

LASER hair removal can be done in any body part having unwanted hair, like over face, underarm, arms, bikini area & in fact full body hair removal can be done.

How many sessions are needed to get permanent result?

Usually, 5-6. It depends on person to person. Some gets very good hair reduction even after 1st session itself & mostly after 6th session everyone get almost 90% permanent reduction. There should be a gap of almost 1.5 months between two sessions.

Is it safe & what are side effects of LASER hair removal?

If done under supervision, it is almost 100% safe. Minor side effects like mild redness or itching may persist for 2-3 hours in few people post LASER therapy.

So, if you are annoyed with repeated salon visit for waxing, or, beard setting, Twacha clinic is definitely a one stop destination for you all. In spite of having best machine, we are also most affordable.

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