LASER Carbon Peel (Facial) & Skin Toning

Laser Carbon Peel & Skin Toning

Carbon peel is the latest advancement in the field of laser skin toning. By this method, we remove sun tanning & blemishes over skin and can be used as a regular method of skin maintenance and toning.

What are the procedures of carbon peel?

We apply carbon powder solution over the skin and let it dry for 2-3 minutes. After that through 1320 nm wavelength Pico Nd: YAG laser we remove all the carbon and along with that tanning, blemishes get removed.

What are the side effects of laser carbon peel?

Almost 100% safe. No major side effects are seen. Minor effects like redness can be seen in very few patients.

How many sessions are recommended?

To get rid of skin blemishes and suntanning, usually 2-3 sessions are enough, if done properly.

So, if you are looking for shiny, smooth, glowing, and healthy blemish-free skin, give a visit to the best laser skin toning and carbon peel center of Patna i.e., Twacha Clinic, located at Phulwarisharif, Patna.

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