Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation

Twacha Clinic is one of the leading & most trusted hair transplantation centre in Patna (Bihar). Our hair transplant surgeries are almost 100% safe, painless & result oriented with outstanding results. This is all because of highly trained doctor from AIIMS, a dedicated team of experienced technicians, advanced equipment & latest BIO FUE technique. As far as cost is concerned, we offer world class facilities at lowest possible cost, as a result of this not only in India we have now been recognised internationally with many of our happy & satisfied patients living in different countries. So, if you are looking for an affordable & best hair transplant in Patna, Twacha clinic is definitely the place, you need to visit.

Different techniques of hair transplantation

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) technique: In this method, a strip of skin bearing hair follicle is cut from back of the scalp & the area is sutured. Later, hair grafts are extracted from that strip & inserted into the bald area.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE): In this technique, individual hair follicles are directly harvested from the back of scalp with the help of motorised punch & inserted into the bald area.

Which technique is better?





Stiches required



Pain after surgery






Nerve damage/ Permanent pain



Healing time

Almost 1 month

1 week

Time after which client may return to work

2-4 weeks

1-2 days


With all this comparison, one can easily understand that FUE technique is undoubtedly the best among the currently available all options of hair transplant.

Who all can undergo hair transplantation?

  • Anyone having permanent hair loss (male & female pattern baldness)
  • Person having hair loss after any trauma, surgery, injuries or any scarring skin disease
  • People who want to thicken eyebrows, eyelashes, beards etc.

Process of hair transplantation

  • At Twacha clinic, Patna, we perform hair transplant by powered FUE method, in which we directly remove individual hair follicular unit (each contain 1-4 hair) with the help of highly sophisticated & precise motorised punch, followed by plantation of these grafts into bald or thinning area of scalp.
  • The cosmetic results are excellent in the donor area with no visible scarring. Moreover, in most cases we keep 35-45 FU/cm2 in transplanted area, which gives a good-looking density.
  • Hair transplantation is an outpatient surgery that means patient can go home immediately after surgery. It requires almost 5-10 hours & is mostly performed under local anaesthesia. No dietary restrictions are required.

What happens after hair transplantation surgery?

  • Small crusts start forming over each graft within 24 hours, that usually starts falling after 1week & get cleared completely by 2-3 weeks.
  • Few patients may experience face swelling beginning after 1-2 days of transplant & subside in next 2-3 days. This swelling is completely painless & harmless.
  • We put bandage in donor area (i.e., back of scalp), which is removed after 1-2 days. Patient may feel mild heaviness in bandage area.
  • Patient is advised to use saline spray for 2-3 days & sleep in semi upright position following hair transplantation.
  • 1st head wash is usually done at 1 week, which we prefer to get done at our centre. For patients coming from far away, we train them with video demonstration to do it at home by themselves.
  • Few oral antibiotics are prescribed for 5-7 days, after which patient don’t need to take any medications.
  • After 2 weeks of hair transplantation, the hair follicles start shedding (similar to planting a tree, after which its leaves fall down, followed by new leaves) & new hair starts growing from the same roots 1-2 months after transplantation.
  • PRP therapy is started after 1 months of hair transplantation. Usually 3-4 PRP sessions are given at 1 month interval.
  • Complete result usually takes 8-12 months from the day of transplantation.

Twacha clinic, Patna under the guidance of Dr. Mahtab Alam (MBBS, MD, MRCP) has performed hundreds of successful hair transplants with our happy clients both nationally & internationally. So, in a nutshell, with a brilliant AIIMS trained doctor, highly trained technician, latest technology, most sophisticated instruments & these all at a very affordable price, Twacha clinic is leading the way & definitely one of the best hair transplantation centre of Patna.

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