Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is a very common thing now a days. though some people flaunt their bald scalp, other may feel humiliating. It gives a person an older appearance than his/her actual age. Hair loss in men usually begins with frontal part of scalp & hairline gradually moves upward. It may be gradual & show but sometimes it may be rapid & sudden. On the other hand. Hair loss in women is quite different from men. It usually begins with the widening of central hairline & uniform decrease in hair density & thinning of hair throughout scalp.

Causes of hair loss: –

  • Male pattern hair loss: – M-shaped or U-shaped hair loss from frontal area/vertex. it may be hereditary, hormonal or both. It affects youths mainly in their twenties.
  • Female pattern hair loss: – diffuse thinning of hair over scalp. It is also hereditary or hormonal or both & mainly affect young females.
  • Alopecia areata: – In this condition, patch of hair loss appear over scalp, beard, or, any other body parts. It usually affects children, but may occur in any age group.
  • Stress: – Extra physical, or, psychological stress may result in hair loss. It can be seen in both male & female. It is also known as “telogen effluvium”. Hair loss usually occurs 2-3 months after starting of any stressful events.
  • Thyroid: – both hyper & hypothyroidism, when serious & uncontrolled may lead to diffuse hair loss.
  • Infection: – various infections like bacterial & fungal result in hair loss. It is mainly seen in children.
  • Chemotherapy: – a person can lose hair, that can be sudden after chemotherapy for disease like cancer. Many other drugs can also cause hair loss that can be gradual.
  • Trichotillomania: – in this disease, a person (male or female) develops urge to pull out his/her hair from scalp, eyebrows, or any other body parts.
  • PCOS (Poly cystic ovary syndrome): – It is a common cause of hair loss in females & it is because of hormonal imbalance.
  • Post pregnancy: – women usually suffer sudden hair loss after pregnancy.
  • Menopause: Women in their peri menopausal state may suffer too much hair loss. It is due to hormonal changes.
  • Under nutritional diet: – it can cause hair loss in both men & women. Diet deficient in vitamin B complex, lack of protein, or, excessive use of vit A may lead to hair loss.

Treatment of hair loss

  • Medication: – Many effective medications like minoxidil, finasteride & various other hair serums (like capixyl, redensyl, aminexil, procapil etc.) are available & at Twacha clinic, patients are being prescribed after their proper hair analysis.
  • Removal of predisposing factor: – like providing our patient a proper diet counselling, adding nutrient based medication for any kind of nutritional deficiency like biotin, address of issues like stress factor etc.
  • PRP therapy: – in this procedure we take little blood from your body, extract its platelets & growth factors & inject into the scalp. The procedure is painless, because of prior spray of local anaesthesia over scalp. At Twacha clinic, we are doing best PRP therapy with outstanding results after 3-5 sessions 21 days apart.
  • Hair transplantation: – Twacha clinic at Phulwari sharif, Patna is known for best hair transplants using FUE technique, which is the most effective & latest therapy with great result. Many people start wearing wig, which make their situation even worse. Wig can cause irritation, that may further lead to hair loss. For more details about hair transplants, click our hair transplantation section.

So, stop worrying for your all hair problems & consult the best hair clinic in Patna, where we are committed to give you outstanding result.

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