Dermapen (Microneedling) Therapy

Dermapen/Dermaroller (Microneedling) Therapy:

Microneedling therapy is done with the help of either dermaroller or its more advanced machine called dermapen. Many people, who ignore their pimples (acne) in early age usually develop many depressed scars over their face leading to uneven, dull-looking skin, that remain with them for lifetime. But you don’t need to worry now. At Twacha clinic, Patna, we are doing this microneedling therapy to get rid you off all the unevenness & scars over the skin help you regain your smooth & glowing skin.

Who all are candidates for Dermapen therapy?

  • Acne scar over face
  • Loose & wrinkled skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Hair loss patients

Dermapen combined with PRP gives complete rejuvenation of face resulting in glowing, smooth and healthy skin (vampire facial).

How Microneedling therapy works?

In this process, with the help of Dermapen instrument having large number of needles, we produce controlled injury to the dermis part of skin that leads to collagen induction. This start of collagen production fills away scar over face, replenishes the dead cell on skin giving a healthy, beautiful & shiny skin. In scalp, microneedling combined with PRP starts growth of new hair & strengthen the root of existing hair. Microneedling combined with PRP therapy on face, completely rejuvenates the facial skin, replaces all the dead cell layer & helps recover your natural young looking, glowing wrinkle free skin (vampire facial).


Is Dermapen therapy painful?

No. We apply local anesthetic cream one hour before procedure giving you a painless experience.

What are the side effects of procedure?

It is almost 100% safe. The only thing you will go through is mild redness of face, that persist for 2-3 days.

Does getting microneedling therapy once, makes mandatory to go for next session?

No. If you go for one session you will get benefit of 1 session.

How many sessions required to get complete result?

The number of sessions depends on indication, for what you are getting treated. For acne scar, it is advisable to undergo 3-4 sessions one month apart to get 70-80% resolution of scars.

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